Michaela Büsse

«Applied Fiction – An object-based exploration of speculative futures»

Wie kann ein interdisziplinärer Austausch zwischen Forschung, Fiktion und Design zur Reflektion über die Zukunft anregen?

How can an interdisciplinary exchange between facts, fiction, and design encourage future thinking?

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The future is a popular topic — in science, society, and the arts. Still, there is a lack of future visions due to the growing complexity of our times. But visions of the future fulfil an important role when it comes to shaping our common future. They help reflect on and prepare future decisions and actions.

How can an interdisciplinary exchange between facts, fiction, and design encourage future thinking?

My work aims to make abstract futures accessible. Through the combination of different formats of future-oriented thinking, I strive to open up an inspiring debate on current developments and alternative futures. The outcome of my work is a kit for speculative future thinking. It consists of a creative method and several exemplary forward-looking objects that support envisioning the future on a grounded but imaginative basis. The creative and participatory approach adds a hitherto unprecedented level of engagement with future thinking.

Björn Franke, Dr. Francis Müller, Bitten Stetter
