Elisa Forster

From Muscle to Facial Expression

How can a visualisation of the Facial Action Coding System for orangutans illustrate which muscle produces which facial expression?


▾ Video…

Which muscle produces which facial expression in orangutans? The interactive-digital guide I have developed visualises the different combinations, thus offering a useful creative tool for students and researchers in the field of nonverbal communication.

My design concept is based on digital films produced by OrangFACS, the Facial Action Coding System for orang­utans. I have further enhanced this system using picture analysis of infographics and illustrations as well as tests with the target group, thus providing a palette of visual tools and a poster summary. My role can therefore be described as being both a designer and a researcher, experimenting with design tools and different media on the one hand, and reflecting about visualisations on the other.

Björn Franke, Fabienne Boldt, Niklaus Heeb, Katja Liebal
