
Search in(g) Bodies

Which experience of their own body do older people have when dancing, and how can the sensation of the ageing body be experienced by an intergenerational audience?

The subject of older people’s awareness of their own body was approached by observing older people when dancing, and talking to them about their experiences. I was told about moments of flirtation, of beauty and the feeling of physical isolation. It became clear that ageing is not exclusively a biological process but also a culturally- and socially-charged construct, for which it is not easy to find a place in our modern western society. With my design implementation, I therefore wanted to create that space for critical awareness of the ageing body. This was realized by creating a performative workshop program for people over 65, and an immersive dance theatre performance for an intergenerational audience that took place during the festival «Zürich tanzt».

Prof. Bitten Stetter, Dr. Francis Müller, Dr. Franziska Nyffenegger
